Wallpapers.com is the best community for sharing creations like high-quality wallpapers and screen backgrounds in which all the submissions are filtered and approved by our moderators.
With over 80,000+ wallpapers, in categories ranging from anime and gaming to animals and nature, you will definitely find the perfect wallpaper to suit your style and personality.
Our goal is to provide a dynamic platform for all the prominent creators on the internet who can share their wallpapers with other users.
After you sign up for a Wallpapers.com account, as a user, you can enjoy the following features:
- Membership is free
- Wallpapers are free to download
- Add the wallpapers you like to your favorite collection
- Follow creators you love
- Contribute your own creations if you would like to share
Yes! It’s totally free. Join us now!
You will first need to join our community. Sign up if you are not a member yet. Once you have created your account, go to the sidebar menu where you can see the ‘submit’ button at the bottom. Click on it and proceed to upload.
You can download the wallpaper by going to the wallpaper download page and there is a ‘free download’ button just below the image. You can also choose the resolution of the wallpaper you want to download if there are options provided.
Wallpapers that contain watermarks, adults or abusive content related are not allowed. Your account might be banned if you post any prohibited content. Please check our terms regarding ‘No Unlawful Or Prohibited Content’ for more information.
Yes, sure you can use our wallpaper for your own personal use. However, giving credits to owners is highly recommended, but not mandatory.
Yes, you can share to any social platform and the ‘share’ button can be found just below the wallpaper in the wallpaper download page.
Simply contact us if you would like to report any issues or users.
Submission is not accepted when it violates our terms. Wallpapers that are not following our quality guidelines will be rejected as well.
Wallpapers.com respects and appreciates all contributors in the community! We are currently planning to add this amazing feature for creators to monetize their creations. Please STAY TUNED!